
How to witness William Shatner fly to suborbital space on Blue Origin’s rocket

william shatner blue origin flight

William Shatner was cast as a starship captain in the original Star Trek series, and now the actor is taking a real-life trip into outer space and You can watch the series in real time on real communicators thanks to internet links that didn’t exist when the series originally aired.

“It looks like there’s a great deal of curiosity about this fictional character — Captain Kirk — going into space,” During a video released by Jeff Bezos’ Blue Origin space venture, Shatner said that. “So let’s go along with it and enjoy the ride.”

A countdown of the New Shepard spaceship’s launch will begin at 9 a.m. CT (7 a.m. PT) Wednesday, at Blue Origin’s Launch Site One in West Texas. The company plans to stream coverage of the countdown via its website , starting 90 minutes before liftoff.

At 90 years old, Shatner will become the oldest person to fly in space, breaking a record set by 82-year-old aviation pioneer Wally Funk on Blue Origin’s first crewed spaceflight in July.

After a roughly 11-minute flight, the rocket lands in the Texas desert, just a short distance from its launch site.

Time is approximate, with the current launch time at 9 a.m. CT (7 a.m. PT). For up-to-date information, follow Blue Origin on Twitter: @blueorigin.

T-minus-7.5 hours: Rollout of spacecraft to launch pad.
T-minus-3 hours: Go-ahead for loading propellants.
T-minus-45 minutes: Go-ahead for seating spacefliers in capsule.
T-minus-35 minutes: Spacefliers start taking their seats.
T-minus-24 minutes: Crew capsule hatch closed.
T-minus-15 minutes: Capsule enabled for emergency escape procedure.
T-minus-10 minutes: Launch team’s poll for terminal count and liftoff.

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