
Privateer Space – Steve Wozniak, Apple Co-Founder Launches Space Company

privateer space started by steve wozniak apple cofounder

Called Privateer Space, the new company is designed to “keep space safe and accessible,” according to a promo video.

In a tweet on Sunday, Apple co-founder Steve Wozniak announced a “independent space company” he plans to launch that will be “unique.” Known as Privateer Space, it aims to “keep space safe and accessible for all humankind,” according to a YouTube video Wozniak linked. Ripcord co-founder Alex Fielding is also one of their founding members.

To make the next generation a better place, we should do what is right and what is good, the promo video says. “So let’s get to work together to do what is right and what is good.”

It appears little has been shared about Privateer Space. Its website simply says, “There is no more limit to the sky,” and “We are in stealth mode.” According to the company’s website, they will be at the AMOS (Advanced Maui Optical and Space Surveillance Technologies) conference in Wailea, Hawaii, starting Tuesday.

There are a number of tech leaders who have launched their own space endeavors, including Jeff Bezos, who founded Blue Origin, and Elon Musk, who runs SpaceX.

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